Kairos Works

Jeane Angelina

Best Experience We've Ever Had!

Special thanks to the team - Artha, Matthew, Amel, Naomy, Julia, Vany, and every single person who are involved in our wedding :) We are using your service from prewedding, photo studio, wedding - both photo and video - and had no complaint. Although we changed our schedule several times, you’ve made it easy for us!

Thank you for liven up our mood and giving us great results! It was very comfortable and we are highly recommending Kairos to some of our friends! :)

See Andre William & Jeane Angelina Photos


Thank You My Super Kairos Rangers

super big hug and thanks to my kairos ranger!

kairos is one of my favorite vendor in my wedding, ga akan nyesel pakai kairos, aku sudah pakai kairos dari prewedding 2x indoor and outdoor, sampai acara wedding 2x jakarta dan bali dan foto studio keluarga, ud paket super komplit.

salah satu hal yang aku pentingkan untuk wedding adalah foto, karna momen itu ga akan terulang 2x, uda bayar vendor wedding yg lain mahal kl tidak bisa diabadikan di foto dengan baik sayang.

kasih bintang 6 buat kairos ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

all kairos members are super talented and kind, bisa ngomong karna hampir bekerja dengan semua kairos ranger, dari big bos artha, hyperbunny klaus, smiley jourdan, miss black and white amel, korean girl esther, anton the minion, bahkan fotografer bali kk panda marcell.

yang membuat video super keceh my forever diaz, matthew, vialli, ario. bahkan CP nya yang sudah diajak ngobrol berkali-kali, sering direpotin juga naomi, super love. hari yg melelahkan jadi menyenangkan karna punya temen-temen baru dari kairos :)

God bless you, kairos!

See King & Ruth Photos